Laser marking of LED lamps with CO2 laser and YAG laser

Light technology

Laser marking of LED lamps

As part of our LightBlog, we would like to give you a variety of insights into our way of working. In this specific entry, we are going to shed some light on how we use laser stations to add value to our products and you as our customer. We have a CO2 and a YAG laser at our disposal that both give us different opportunities to make adjustments to our products.

LED Laser marking with yag-laser

LED Laser marking with yag-laser

In general, many of our polymer parts that are later on mounted into our lamps and electronic moduls need to be labelled. Those markings primarily include product names, homologation numbers, trade names and customer information like for example the voltage supply. In addition to that, we have also created the opportunity to insert customer specific markings, like for example a logo, into our new products. The majority of the specific configurations of our polymer parts are not produced in high enough volumes to justify manufacturing a text insert for the injection mould. For those cases, having two different kinds of laser stations at our disposal opens up a variety of opportunities.

CO2 Laser

We possess both a CO2 laser and a YAG laser. With the help of the CO2 laser we are able to engrave polymer parts. This kind of laser marking of LED lamps is especially interesting when the markings that are linked to the homologation are placed onto the transparent outer lens of a lamp. Since the CO2 laser does not create a color change of the single polymer molecules, the laser marking as a whole is subtle and on purpose only slightly changes the outer appearance of the lamp.


CO2-laser marking

Yag laser

In contrast to that, the YAG laser enables us to create high-contrast color changes on untransparent polymer parts, especially out of ABS and PC. This capability is valuable in the context of homologation markings and customer information that need to be placed onto rear parts of our products. Furthermore, our YAG laser gives us the opportunity to conduct customer-specific adjustments that intentionally change the outer appearance of our products.

Vehicle light solutions germany

If you as our customer have the wish to see your company name or logo on our products, feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you in evaluating how we can make this wish come true.

Jedermann AG


Jedermann AG
Hauptstraße 33
D-56291 Hausbay

+49 6746 208

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